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Learning Analytics as a Feedback Tool: Turning Data into Meaning

  • Tuesday, February 28, 2023
  • 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM
  • Virtual


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As organizations and learning practitioners we hear and use cool jargon like "ROl" and "OKRs" and others that make us sound legitimate in the professional world. The reality is - most of it is just smoke and mirrors. Most organizations don't measure anything and If they do measure something; they are measuring the wrong things. As a learning analyst I’ve discovered that measuring and collecting the right data points about learners and their experiences is JUST as important as the analytical methods we use to gain insights from that data. It’s important to move beyond surface level data about learner completion if we want to tell the story of learning effectiveness and its impact to the business. Jay looks forward to sharing the current state of learning measurement strategy in the L&D industry, introducing people to the concept of learning analytics (LA), sharing how LA can be leveraged in one’s work, and support you as you begin building a learning measurement infrastructure with LA in mind so YOU can turn raw data into meaningful insights that can improve educational outcomes at your organization!

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