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  • Engaging Learners in the “Orderly Conversation,” Tried & true techniques for engaging today’s learner

Engaging Learners in the “Orderly Conversation,” Tried & true techniques for engaging today’s learner

  • Thursday, March 29, 2012
  • 12:00 PM - 2:00 PM
  • St. Mary's Hospital, 700 South Park St., Conference Center Bay 1, Madison, WI, 53715
  • 12


  • Registration option for student members.

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Engaging Learners in the "Orderly Conversation," Tried & true techniques for engaging today's learner


Greg Owen-Boger

Date & Location

Thursday, March 29
St. Mary's Hospital
700 South Park St.
Conference Center Bay 1
Madison, WI 53715

Registration, Networking & Lunch begin at 12:00
Program runs from 12:30-2:00


ASTD SCWC Members - $25.00
Non-Member Guests - $35.00

Presentation Description

As trainers, we need to stay relevant in today’s tough market and take responsibility for moving participants from ho-hum observers to engaged learners. But how?

One way is to conduct training sessions as if they are “orderly conversations.” An orderly conversation is one that is (a) carefully organized, well-designed and documented and (b) flexibly executed with lively participation and input from the entire group. When trainers and facilitators engage learners in this fashion, learners are more likely to invest in the learning outcome and apply what they’ve learned back on the job.

The tricky part is that we each thrive with one side or the other: the orderly or the conversational. In other words we each have a “default approach.” While the influence of a trainer’s default is felt throughout the process, it is often too subtle and unconscious to be noticed. This highly interactive session will help you explore what your default means for you and what you can do to manage it to your advantage in the classroom.

Presenter Bio

Greg Owen-Boger is the Vice President of Turpin Communication, a presentation and facilitation skills training company based in Chicago. Schooled in management and the performing arts coupled with an entrepreneurial spirit, Greg brings a diverse set of skills and experiences to the organization. He joined Turpin in 1995 as a camera man and quickly worked his way up. He now serves as a communication trainer and coach for Turpin’s largest clients.



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